Deviled Eggs…With A Hot Pink Beet Vibe!


deviled egg final 1

Easter time is a time for eggs and a time for eggs is, Easter Time!


12 large white or brown eggs, range free is best

¾ cup mayonnaise

1-2 tablespoons Dijon or yellow mustard

1-2 teaspoons white vinegar

½ teaspoon paprika

¼ teaspoon cayenne pepper

3-4 twigs French thyme, garden fresh

Salt and pepper to taste

1 jar cut beets in vinaigrette, Trader Joe’s

beet juice           boiled eggs

Hippity Hop here’s how we did it!

In a large pot, fill ½ way with lukewarm water.  Gently place the eggs in pot.  Bring to a boil about 15-18 minutes and remove from heat.  Drain hot water and fill with cold water adding ice cubes.  This process is often called an, ice bath.  Let the hard-boiled eggs cool completely before removing the shells.  Dunking the egg in cold water, often helps with the shell removal.

Using a sharp knife, halve eggs lengthwise and remove yolks.  Set the yolks aside in a medium bowl.  I clean my knife with a towel after each cut of an egg.  I find this helps with achieving a clean cut egg white.

Fill a small shallow bowl with the vinaigrette beet juice, carefully placing whites in bowl.  Let the whites soak for about an hour.  Remember to turn over a few times, so that the juices dye all of the egg.  I used beet juice as a safer alternative to food coloring.  Don’t forget to wear an apron as you don’t want to stain your clothes.

eggs dying                     egg station

Mash the yolks with a potato masher or fork.  Mix the mayonnaise, mustard, white vinegar, paprika, cayenne pepper, salt and pepper.  Mix all these ingredients well.

Because Isabella and I are big on presentation, we used a Wilton cake icing tool.  You can also use a pastry bag.  Fill the tool with the yolk mix and slowly pipe into egg whites.  Garnish with fresh french thyme leaves and paprika.

Deviled eggs on Easter is a family tradition that has been carried on for generations.  I’m happy to teach my daughter Isabella, and she was fascinated by the dying process.  It was a great learning experience for all!

Happy cooking friends and enjoy!

With Love and Peace in my Heart,
